1. Item Name : Acadia - University & Online Course vue nuxt Template
  2. Created: 26 January 2025
  3. Item Version : v 1.0.0
  4. Author : theme_pure
  5. Support Ticket: https://help.themepure.net/login


Acadia - University & Online Course vue nuxt Template

For any support please don't hesitate to contact us at Support Center. We provide 13 hours real-time support for our customers.

We would like to thank you for choosing acadia.

Getting started

Acadia – template is perfect for a variety of educational needs, including e-Learning, Course Schools, Online Schools, Kindergartens, Classic LMS setups, University Status pages, Instructor Portfolios, Language Academies, Gym Coaching, Online Courses, Single Courses, marketplaces, University Classics, Elegant Homepages, Technology-focused Homepages, and more. Acadia is specifically crafted for Learning Management Systems, whether online or offline. Acadia includes all the essential components required for a comprehensive online education center and LMS. The template features a full suite of dashboards, inner pages, and detail pages to support your educational platform. With Acadia, you have everything you need to build a robust and effective online education center.. The template comes with a creative 06 homepage design layouts, responsive and 80+ inner pages. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize with 1200px grid. We hope so you will feel happy with them.


There are system requirements in order to install and setup acadia template and its components properly. Make sure that you are installed node.js and Yarn.

For nodejs go here Nodjs

For yarn go here Yarn

Install Yarn

Template Features

  • Vue JS
  • Nuxt 3
  • Typescript
  • Pinia
  • Based on Bootstrap 5.x
  • VueJS without jQuery
  • Free Premium Quality Support
  • Logo Slider Integration
  • Sticky Header
  • Google Fonts
  • 100% Responsive
  • Nice and Clean Design
  • Clean code
  • Customizable all components of each page
  • Integrated with FontAwesome
  • 8+ Home Pages
  • 80+ Inner Pages
  • Blog Pages
  • Image background
  • Easy to customize
  • Flexible and multi-purpose
  • Valid / CSS3
  • 24/7 Awesome support
  • Detailed documentation

What's Included

After purchasing acadia template on themeforest.net with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download acadia template package which contains the following files:

The contents of the template package downloaded from ThemeForest

  • acadia - An Vue nuxt Template file. this file you can edit and use for your business.
  • documentation - This folder contains what you are reading now :)

acadia Installation

Please follow the instructions how you can install Vue on your hosting:

  1. For local host -
    1. Open you command prompt
    2. npm install or npm install --legacy-peer-deps
    3. npm run dev (will start the dev server at http://loaclhost:3000)

  1. To deploy a Next.js application on Vercel, you can follow these steps: -
    1. Open you command prompt
    2. Sign up for an account on Vercel if you don't have one already.
    3. Connect your GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket repository where your vue nuxt application is hosted.
    4. Import your repository on Vercel and select the vue nuxt project to be deployed.
    5. Vercel will automatically detect your vue nuxt application and perform the necessary build and deployment steps.
    6. Once the deployment is complete, you'll be able to access your application using the URL provided by Vercel.

Basic Site Settings

Change Page Title and Favicon

To change your Site title and Favicon open the acadia in your editor and go to the location by following screenshot which are given bellow.

You can change page title here
You can change favicon here

Customize Menu

To customize menu do the following:

  1. From the project folder go to data menu-data Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the menu
Customize the menu

Customize Blog data

To customize blog data do the following:

  1. From the project folder go to data blog-data Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the blog data
Customize the blog

Customize course data

To customize course data do the following:

  1. From the project folder go to data course-data Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the course data
Customize the products

Error Handling

To change 404 and other error you can change by following this screenshot here.

  1. From the project folder go to error.vue Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the error page
Customize the error page

Customize Header

We gave you four header layout. you can modify the header markup there.

  1. From the project folder go to components header header-one Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the header
Customize the header


To change color and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.

  1. From the project folder go to assets scss utils _colors.scss Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the color data
Customize the color


To change Typography and setting you can change by following this screenshot here.

  1. From the project folder go to assets scss theme _theme.scss Open the menu you want to use
  2. Then customize the Typography data
Customize the Typography


If you face any issue please contact us at Support Ticket. We provide 15 hours real-time support for our customers.

Thank you for purchasing our template.